
Procurement Director

Q & A

WhICH part of the design process do you look forward to the most?

Definitely the installation phase! The moment when all those design dreams start dancing into reality. While I do relish the intricacies of technical details, what truly ignites my passion is seeing the transformation of renovation chaos into a piece of art.

How do you set yourself up for a great day?

I devote time each evening to methodically organize my tasks and craft a clear to-do list for the following day. This approach allows me to establish a solid foundation for success, helping me make meaningful progress toward my personal and professional goals.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Beyond my design endeavors, I’m all about the family journey. With my partner-in-crime (aka my husband), we navigate enjoyable escapades with our two kiddos. We embark on outdoor adventures, savor cozy dinners with the whole family, and relish watching our kids dive headfirst into new experiences. Somehow, I still carve out time for a little reading every evening. I wouldn’t have it any other way!